oil painting

Reflective Practice

Recently, I was extremely pleased to have one of my images included into a book. The Encyclopedia of Oil Techniques, by Jeremy Galton

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When I was a nurse, reflecting on our practice, - what went well and what could have been improved upon was a constant requirement. Now I am finding that the same is helpful in art practice. It seems easy to soldier on in the hope that improvement is being made and forgetting some of the building blocks.

The painting included in the book is not a recent piece and yet it is still one that I am quite fond of. With its inclusion I have come to review it, as well as thinking about the whole idea of how to use my past work to inform my new. What is in this picture that causes me to still like it more than some others painted at the same time? What ideas or techniques could I take from it to include into my current work? What do I see as my strengths that have been taken through all my work from then until now, and what weaknesses are there that could do with me working on?

As we step into a New Year my little self examination seems appropriate, helping to form pointers for the way ahead. I hope this could be a helpful tool for you to use too. Happy New Year.